prometheus.prometheus.prometheus role – Installs and configures prometheus
This role is part of the prometheus.prometheus collection (version 0.14.1).
It is not included in ansible-core
To check whether it is installed, run ansible-galaxy collection list
To install it use: ansible-galaxy collection install prometheus.prometheus
To use it in a playbook, specify: prometheus.prometheus.prometheus
Entry point main
– Installs and configures prometheus
Prometheus monitoring system configuration and management
Parameter |
Comments |
The Agent mode optimizes Prometheus for the remote write use case. It disables querying, alerting, and local storage, and replaces it with a customized TSDB WAL. Everything else stays the same. This feature is available starting from Prometheus v2.32.0. Choices:
Alert relabeling rules. This should be specified as list in yaml format. It is compatible with the official alert_relabel_configs |
Full list of alerting rules which will be copied to Alerting rules can be also provided by other files located in Please see default values in role defaults/main.yml |
List of folders where ansible will look for files containing alerting rules which will be copied to Files must have Default: |
Configuration responsible for pointing where alertmanagers are. This should be specified as list in yaml format. It is compatible with the official alertmanager_config |
Allows to use local packages instead of ones distributed on github. As parameter it takes a directory where prometheus AND promtool binaries are stored on host on which ansible is ran. This overrides prometheus_version parameter |
URL of the prometheus binaries .tar.gz file Default: |
URL of the prometheus checksums file Default: |
Path to directory with prometheus configuration Default: |
Variable used to provide custom prometheus configuration file in form of ansible template Default: |
Additional configuration flags passed to prometheus binary at startup Example: prometheus_config_flags_extra: { storage.tsdb.retention: 15d, alertmanager.timeout: 10s } |
Path to directory with prometheus database Default: |
Provide map of additional labels which will be added to any time series or alerts when communicating with external systems Default: |
Prometheus global config. It is compatible with the official configuration Default: |
Prometheus external metrics path Default: |
Additional paths that Prometheus is allowed to read (useful for SSL certs outside of the config directory) |
Remote read. It is compatible with the official configuration |
Remote write. Compatible with the official configuration |
Prometheus scrape jobs provided in same format as in the official docs Default: |
Prometheus installation tasks gets skipped when set to true. Choices:
List of folders where ansible will look for files containing custom static target configuration files which will be copied to Default: |
How long to wait for Prometheus to shutdown. This is passed as a systemd TimeoutStopSec time spec. Default: |
Data retention period Default: |
Data retention period by size Maximum number of bytes that can be stored for blocks. Units supported: KB, MB, GB, TB, PB. Default: |
System group for Prometheus. Default: |
System user for Prometheus. Default: |
Targets which will be scraped. |
Prometheus package version. Also accepts Only prometheus 2.x is supported Default: |
A Prometheus web config yaml for configuring TLS and auth. |
External address on which prometheus is available. Useful when behind reverse proxy. Ex. `` |
Address on which prometheus will be listening Default: |